Sunday, September 16, 2012

Coming Back to Life

Hello again my friends!

After a long break (including me forgetting to post updates about my completion of the Disney Princess Half-Marathon in February!), I'm back folks!  I am now signed up for not one, but TWO new half-marathons!  I know, I'm crazy, right?!?  Yep, that's true!  But, the first half marathon really made me feel accomplished, despite the fact that I hadn't even been training for the month (ahem, or two...) prior to the race...thanks a lot holiday season, followed by my husband's and my birthdays!!

My first half marathon is going to be the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon on November 10 of this year.  I'm REALLY excited for this one for a few reasons...not the least of which is the fact that, right after we finish the race, we get to go to this party in Epcot Center that takes place until 4am!!  Some of the attractions will be open as will the Food and Wine Festival for race competitors and their friends and family and there will be live music playing all over the park.  Sounds pretty awesome, eh?!?  Add to that the fact that the race doesn't start until 10 pm, making it a night run AND a sweet ass medal and I'm psyched!

Who wouldn't want this medal?!

I started training a little later than I had planned, but hey, it happens!  At least this time, I'll be training straight up until the race occurs, which should put me in MUCH better positioning for a good finish time.  My Princess Half Marathon time was somewhere around 3:30 because I hadn't really been training.  This time, I'm hoping to be able to make it around 2:30.  I've certainly got a good incentive to finish early: the earlier I finish, the more of the after party I get to enjoy!  This time, however, I just need to make sure that I take a good amount of time to stretch and really take care of my body after the race.  At the Princess, I didn't really get a chance to and the next day was definitely touch and go (to put it mildly)!  I was walking like a geriatric cowboy around the office, which certainly got me lots of funny looks.  I was wearing my race shirt and my medal though and would just hold it up as I shuffle/waddled on by.

My second half marathon is going to be on January 12, 2013 as part of the 20th anniversary of the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend.  This time, I'll be running as a member of Team ASPCA with my friend Steff.  I've never run as part of a charity team before so I wasn't quite sure about this undertaking.  As a kid, fundraising wasn't exactly what you'd call 'my thing.'  Whether it was candy, wrapping paper, greeting cards or Girl Scout Cookies, I would usually end up with like the few elderly people that lived in my neighborhood and felt bad for me buying some of the overpriced wares and that was it.  I'm hoping that this time, things will go better since it's for a great cause that I really believe in!  I'm also really motivated by the fact that, if I don't raise the funds for the race ($950), I won't be able to participate in the half marathon and I won't be able to feel that AWESOME spinning medal around my neck (new design for the 20th anniversary)!

It spins to reveal old school Mickey and present day Mickey!

I'll post some training reports in the coming days (things are a little crazy for me now since I'm trying to finalize and submit my graduate school applications this week), as soon as I get the opportunity.  And I'm sure some of them will include my gripes about my Nike+ sportwatch.  It's perhaps user error in this case, but I can't get it to sync up with my Nike+ profile, so I don't get that instant gratification of being able to see my GPS map online and my training stats.  I still have to call Nike again (first call didn't solve anything), but I'm hopeful I can get this worked out with them and get it up and running.  Then you, dear readers, will hopefully be able to follow along with me on my running journey!

CORRECTION: As my suspicions confirmed....THIS is the medal for the half marathon finishers in 2013:

Not sure how I feel about the Donald medal...I REALLY had my heart set on the spinny medal!

(The awesome, spectacular, EXCITING spinning medal is only for the Walt Disney World Marathon finishers...aaaand now I'm thinking....could I pull off a full marathon???  (My brain says, 'Noooooo way.' My heart says, 'Pleeeeeaseeeee!!! You can totally do it!  It's JUST 26 measly miles!') Someone please pinch me to get me back to reality!

Okay, so that's it though.  Now I'm just going to have to run the 5th Annual Disney Princess Half Marathon in February to get THAT kick ass medal!! Ha ha ha!  See?  I can play that game too, Disney!!  

And here's the link to our Team ASPCA donation website.  I could use all of the help I can get, however big or small!!  Thanks so much everybody!

Team Steph/Steff ASPCA Donation Page

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