Monday, October 3, 2011

This Is Why I Run

Truly, there are many reasons why I run.  However, today was the perfect example of specifically what I'm hoping to reach.  Hopefully it's just the beginning of what's to come for me!  I wish I had time to write this when I had just returned from running because it would be much more befitting of my mood afterward.  I'm not sure I can adequately describe it.  I was ecstatic, jovial, giddy...I was laughing and grinning from ear to ear.  When I was telling Rob about the run, I was like a schoolgirl describing her first crush.  I couldn't contain myself!  I was just SO overjoyed and excited and giggly!  I think I finally got a taste of that runner's high and do I ever want some more!  I mean, I've played sports most of my life, but I don't think I've ever worked this hard for anything athletic!  This is mine!  I'm doing it for me and it feels so rewarding!  This is why I run!

This week is a step down week for me so it's back to 2 miles, per Hal Higdon's 15K training schedule!  Since I'd worked up to consistently running a little over 1.5 miles, I thought I would increase the distance to a full 2 miles running.  I opted for a route where I could walk almost .5 miles to warm up and then just run the rest of the way until I was done.  When I created this plan, I honestly wasn't entirely sure that I would make it.  It can really be such a struggle for me, but the weather was nearly perfect today, the music was upbeat throughout and away I went!  As I neared the part of my run that I usually dread because I have the most difficulty there, today I was in the zone.  In addition to getting a taste of that runner's high, I also found that elusive 'zone out' mode that everyone talks about.  That time when you just get lost in your thoughts and forget completely about what you're doing.  Yes, your legs are moving, but your mind is elsewhere...miles and miles away.  It was sublime!  I finally felt that joy of running!  I had...(gasp)...FUN!!! 


Total Distance: 2.5 miles
Total Time: 35 minutes
Longest Run: 28 minutes/2.13 miles

5 minute warm-up walk
2-3 minute cool down walk

Today was a great day for running!  I only hope that I find more days like this in the future!!  (Especially as the miles start to stack up!)  It certainly gives me hope going into the race weekend!  The 5K this Saturday will be another test for me to overcome and today's run makes me feel like I've really prepared well for it!

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