Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Heroes Run 5K

I did it!  I finished the 5K (though, unfortunately, I didn't run the whole time).  The event was really great: very well organized and heart warming.  Prior to the start, we took a minute of silence in remembrance of all who lost their lives on 9/11/01.  There was a speaker on behalf of the Travis Manion Foundation thanking the participants as well as a gentleman who was FDNY and responded to the call on 9/11.  It was moving to hear the personal story of the events from his perspective.  To round out the atmosphere, the color guard was present from the local high school as well as some others, which added to the mood.  Also, there were a couple firefighters that ran in their full gear (with oxygen tank).  I happened to be at the finish line for one of them and it was really awesome to hear everyone start cheering really loudly as she struggled to the finish line.  There were even a couple of people from the crowd that started running with her and cheering her on while they ran to help motivate her!  I thought that was really incredible!  The community of runners is really wonderful and that's just one fantastic example of that fact! 

Oh yeah, and the firefighter chick ran the race in ALL of her gear!!  So impressive!

I allowed myself 2 days rest prior to the race which, in retrospect, may have been 1 too many.  I ran the first mile easily (crossed the 1 mile marker at 12 minutes) and felt good into the second mile.  Then, towards the end of the second mile and into the third I hit the tough part.  I think the reason the first miles were easier for me was: 1) the downhill segment to start the race and 2) the shade throughout most of the first miles.

Picking up my race packet

Making sure my bib is securely affixed to my shirt!

To begin the race, my adrenalin was pumping and I think I paced myself way too quickly (which would come back to haunt me).  I ran 7 minutes straight -- most of the first mile.  I only allowed myself 1m 30s walking segments at a time before starting to run again.  After the initial 7 minute running segment, I could only make it a maximum of 4 minutes at a time thereafter during the race.

So happy before the start of the race!
Beginning of the race, feelin' great!  Nothing can stop me!

My whole plan for the race was basically scrapped because of my start.  Initially, I thought I would just run on and off for 5 minute segments with a 2m 30s rest in between.  I figured that would keep me consistent and strong, in terms of time for my finish.  I also thought that schedule would give me some padding to reach my goal time.  My goal was a 40 minute finish time, which I actually achieved despite throwing myself completely off schedule outright.  I don't have my official chip time yet, but I'm pretty sure it will be almost exactly 40 minutes.  (Due to the number of people at the run, it probably took me about 30s to even reach the starting gate.)

The hardest part was definitely the last part of the second mile and almost the entire third mile.  Once I reached the third mile, I couldn't seem to force myself to run more than a couple minutes at a time.  I tried everything to distract myself mentally, but it didn't seem to matter.  I was gassed.  I allowed myself to walk more than I ran for the third mile with the promise of a strong finish, which I accomplished.  As I got closer and closer to the finish line, I turned off my iPod and listened to the noises of the crowd at the finish gate, cheering on others who were finishing ahead of me.  It was encouraging!  I knew I wasn't far!  I put a smile on my face and started running!  I ended up running the last 3-4 minutes of the run and, upon seeing the time clock, sprinted to finish the race before the clock struck 41:00!

Happily trotting to the finish line!
Finish line!!
Overall, I'd say it was a great race.  When I finished, I was exhausted, but that's the point, right?  I pushed myself most of the way and I was ultimately very happy with my finish time of 40 minutes, considering my previous 5K times in training had me averaging about 14-15 minute miles.  Now, I'm ready to continue my training for the 15K in November (which I signed up for) as well as, eventually, starting my training for the half-marathon (which I also signed up for)!  What am I, crazy?!  I think so!

NEXT: Celebrate the strong 5K finish!

NEXT WEEK: Week 6, 3 mile runs

ON THE HORIZON: October 8 5K

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