Monday, September 5, 2011

A Laborious Labor Day

While running today, I decided that I really need to try and be more organized about keeping track of my runs.  Rather than simply tracking the amount of time I can run before having to walk, I thought I should track the distance that I travel more closely and the time it takes me, in total, to traverse it.  This being the case, today's run took me 2.5 miles in 40 minutes.  It seems discouraging when I think about it, but I have to remember that 40 minutes includes my 3 minute warm-up walk and a 3-4 minute cool down walk.  (Which ultimately brings the distance of the actual 'run' part down, but...oh well.) 

Today starts Week 5, Day 21 of training.  Okay, so I forgot to check on my updated training plan before I left the house and I improvised.  I pushed myself to run a full 3 minutes at a time.  I only had to cut that short twice, which should make me feel pretty good.  But, I'm actually not so sure how I feel right now.  Part of me is just relieved to be done with the run, part of me is proud of myself for completing it and part of me is wondering why I don't feel better right now?  It seems like the same old thing almost every time the timer on my watch indicates that it's time to start running, I think: "Oh we go again."  And I feel like, at this point, maybe I should start to be feeling more accepting of the fact that my walking/rest break is over and it's time to start running again.  Am I pushing myself too hard?  Is that why I seem to be mentally railing against the running?  I have no way of answering this.  Whether or not I really want to run, I do it anyway.  But, I guess it just bothers me that I haven't reached the point where I'm doing this because I like it.  Almost the entire time, I have to force myself to do it because it's good for me and because I need to keep progressing.  That just doesn't seem right.  But, I am new at this and I'm hoping this will change, in time?   

It also doesn't help that today's run had me out there at 11:30am in a very hot sun.  Not the smartest time to go running, but I wanted to sleep in for a change and I didn't want to wait to do my run until later in the day as I figured it wouldn't happen. 

I guess I just feel a bit confused by this running quest of mine right now.  I'm still not able to run a mile without stopping.  Only about 1/5 of a mile, at this point.  I'm staring down the barrel of the 5K on Sunday and am just hoping that I can continue to keep my chin up and be proud of myself.  And, most importantly, to BE PATIENT!

TO DO: Sign up for 5K's in October, November and December.

OF NOTE: Pat on the back for 4 weeks of training completed!

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