Monday, September 12, 2011

Recovery Workout/Cross Training Session: Tennis!

I originally hadn't planned on doing anything today so that my body could rest and have a chance to recover from the run yesterday.  However, I had a kind of cruddy day at work and Rob approached me with the idea of playing some 'easy' tennis together and I couldn't say no. When we got to the courts, I just wasn't really feeling it.  I was being lazy, letting shots double bounce before returning them, not chasing tough shots, etc.  Every now and then I would turn it on a bit, but I soon found my stomach really killing me.  I still don't know what that's from.  It could've been the lunch I had (which was larger than normal), maybe I didn't drink enough water or maybe my body was just still tired from the day before.  Whatever the reason, about 20 minutes in, I was feeling pretty ill.  I refused to stop playing though and powered through it for another 20-25 minutes.  It was really fun, but I noticed my left hamstring tightening up so I stopped to stretch it a little bit more.  It continued to bother me the rest of the time we played, so I tried to ease up on shots or moves that utilized it.  (That's the last thing I need is to tweak a hamstring during my training for the 15K and ruin all of this momentum!)

This is pretty much what I felt like doing with all of that stomach cramping
For tomorrow's training, I'm going to play it by ear and just see how my body feels.  The original plan was to run a total of 3 miles with alternating 5 minute run segments and 3 minute walk segments.  Though the 5 minutes was pretty tough for me last training run, I think I really need to follow my plan so I can keep building up my fitness level and endurance.  That's the only way I'm going to make it through the 15K and half marathon!  Keep progressing...using baby steps, of course!

TOMORROW'S TRAINING: 5K with alternating 5m run/3m walk segments

TO DO: Check official chip time from the 5K!  Add new music to running list!!     

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