Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh Disney, You are Luring Me In...

...and Mid-Florida MS Society, you're not helping either!!  I got an e-mail today from the MS Society advertising a half-marathon on Saturday, January 7th saying that some of the proceeds will go to MS research and the mid-Florida MS Society.  So, if I did this half-marathon (and finished it, of course!), I would not only get a medal (bling!!), I would be benefiting the MS Society, a cause very close to my heart.

 My dilemma?  The Princess Half-Marathon is late February.  According to all of the research I've done, 7 weeks will be more than enough time for recuperation between half-marathons.  But, I'm a new runner!  I was worried about doing the 1 half-marathon, let alone 2?!?  2?!?!!  Am I falling down the rabbit hole here?  Putting the cart before the horse?  The problem is that the Disney runs always fill up really quickly (the January half is already 65% full!), so I need to decide ASAP and register to reserve my spot in the races if I'm going to do them!  But I'm still entirely untested with any form of distance greater than 4 miles!  That's less than one third of a half-marathon! 

I just watched the video of the Princess Half-Marathon on Disney's website for some inspiration.  It looked harmless enough.  Lots of ladies in fake tiaras, fairy wings and fluffy skirts.  I even noted a few older ladies who were just trotting along, mightily.  Good for them, I thought!  Surely, if an older lady can do it, I can too!?  The video got me pumped up!  I wanted to register right there and then.  But then, there's this voice in the back of my head.  It's the doubt.  Can I really do it?  Even now, my time would be barely below the maximum (assuming I could maintain that pace for an entire 13.1 miles!).  Still, I'm determined!  I really want to do a half marathon and I REALLY want to do the Princess half.

                                                See??  This isn't so scary!  Why, it looks like fun!!

Do I go for it and sign up for both of them?  If I ran the half in January, that would meet my goal of running a half marathon before my 32nd birthday!  There is much to consider, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up for at least one of them.  If I don't sign up for it, I may not get to at this rate! 



TO DO: Register for a Disney Half-Marathon (& add music to iPod for 5K)    

ON THE HORIZON: 9/11 5K 36 hrs away!

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