Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Full Disclosure

Since this is just a post to say "Yay, I walked 30 minutes today!", I thought I'd throw some personality into it.  Here goes nothing...

I have a confession to make: I like Britney (Spears, in case you needed clarification).  I mean, I've tried very hard throughout the years to dislike her music and dislike everything she stands for.  But, I gotta hand it to her, the girl makes some catchy workout-y tunes!  Today the song, "'Till the World Ends" came on while I was walking and I mouthed almost all of the words.  I even did some moves with my hands, when there weren't any cars driving by.  Yeah, so, that's embarrassing to admit.  But, since I'm being honest here, there ya go.  Britney made my running mix. 

 My second (and maybe even more embarrassing) confession: On walking days, I get really bored.  If a good song comes on (today it was "Crazy In Love"), I will sometimes pretend I'm walking on a catwalk or something just to keep myself entertained.  It's totally ridiculous and silly, but it helps the time go by.  I even make changes to my stride and gait (probably bad for my running form) until I feel like a model.  One of the songs I first started doing this to was "Uprising" by Muse because I saw it last year in the Victoria's Secret fashion show.  I just get sooooo bored, I've even considered busting out a couple of dance moves...but then a car drove by and the impulse was gone.  I'm sure it would've entertained those inside the car though!  I mean, could you imagine someone on the sidewalk dancing around by themselves as you drive by?  So silly! 

There you have it, my friends!  Until next time!

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