Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Strong 3 Miles

Today is, oh, let's see...Week 6, Day 27 of training. (If my count is correct?  I'm starting to lose track)

I ran a touch over 3 miles today with 4 - 5 minute running segments, a 2.5 minute and 3 minute segment.  Total running time was a tad over 25 minutes.  In between running segments, I took 3 minute walking breaks.  Total time was an unfortunate 48 minutes.  That's the run by the numbers, but numbers only say so much. 

I absolutely did not want to run today.  Getting home from work, I sat on the couch and got comfortable.  Eventually, I slowly put on my running clothes, shoes, watch, iPod and forced myself to head out the door.  I did a 4 minute walking warm up before starting the first 5 minute segment.  I opted to run extremely slowly today, just to try and stay as comfortable as possible.  Into the first segment, I felt really good.  There was a nice breeze, the sun had ducked behind clouds and I was on a roll.  I did notice that my left hamstring was a little tight, but I kept going and it loosened up eventually.  All told, the first mile went by easily.  The only problem that popped up began after I started walking at the beginning of the second mile: the stomach ache was back.  It would resolve while I ran, but came back when I would resume walking again.  I had more water today and ate a lighter lunch, so I'm honestly not sure what the issue is there.  Regardless, I kept going and ran what I felt was a really strong training run.  The second mile went by without incident but the third mile was tough for me.  According to my Cool Runnings training plan, I only had to run 3 - 5 minute segments so I told myself that anything beyond that would be a bonus.  (Those segments took me into the beginning of mile 3 and then I opted for "bonus time" by shortening the segments a bit when I felt like it.)  Despite the fact that my time was horrible, I'm still happy with the run itself.  It was challenging but I accomplished it and felt really good about my fitness level afterward.   

I'm still toying with the idea of trying to speed walk a mile to get an idea of my walking pace for the Disney Princess half-marathon.  I'm certainly not planning on walking it, but I'm just really nervous about the pacing.  I plan on training extensively for the distance, of course, but I'm worried about remaining on the 16:00 mile pace for the entire race.  I guess I just need to trust that my training will prepare me and look forward to having fun!  Again, I'm just being impatient.  I'm trying to go too far too soon (in terms of my thinking).  Since the half marathon isn't until February 26, 2012, I have more than enough time to prepare myself.  Training for this 15K in November will definitely take me a long way toward getting in shape for the half marathon which will still be 3 months away.  Most half marathon training programs take about 12 weeks, and that's starting from the very beginning, which I shouldn't have to do.  I'm still not sure about a strategy to transition between those two races yet, but I've got time.

For now, one foot in front of the other and just keep going and following my training plans!  According to the Cool Runnings plan, I should be running a continuous 2 miles on Saturday.  However, per the Higdon plan, I should do a total distance of 3 miles.  I'm still not sure how I will work it yet.  I'm not even sure whether I can run 2 full miles at a time, but I'll give it my best and maybe run/walk the third mile.

I'm really proud of myself for today's run!  It went great and I'm relieved! 

TO DO: New music on my iPod!  DO IT!!

OF NOTE: Don't sneak a peak at your watch when tracking running time!  Just keep running!! 

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